Wednesday 17 October 2018

Album Review - Feelings by The Future Dead (2015) (Gnar Tapes)

I have a little five year old daughter. She is the apple of my eye. She also has two elder brothers whose level of protection towards her is so vehement that I genuinely do worry for any future beau, when, at the age forty, daddy (might) finally lock away his shotgun and let her date (a pastor, chaperoned by daddy/brothers for the initial three years).

My wife informs me that the above type of talk could be considered sexist as it hints at possession and women being more fragile. I understand and apologize. However, it is the kind of rhetoric that comes to mind when I think about my daughter.

I never considered I could be anymore proud of her until last week. Then I realized that this 2015, The Future Dead album, had obviously been recently played to death around the house and on the school commute, when she started humming / half singing the opening lines of the track Birds are Dinosaurs (see below).

Naturally I took this as a sign that her future will be one that involves her being proclaimed as the next generation Jo(hn) Peel, in which she bestows all of her musical knowledge onto a public that eagerly laps up her twice weekly radio station in their millions and gets paid a squillion a month for just a few hours work as she enjoys being a celibate pastors wife...who would not?

Perhaps (?) I jest, but somehow it does show the simplistic appeal of this brilliant album. Initially TFD are plainly enthralled with the BMX Bandits. The wonderfully facile Birds Are Dinosaurs and Thinking Of You, the dual male/female vocals of Next Life Girl and the bouncing pop of lead single Feelings, all have that similar twee vibe. Despite the overall similarities, the primary, but exaggerated difference between the two bands is that TFD swap comfortable guitar pop, for the most ornate and almost lazy jangled riffs that accompany the best of indie-pop music.

However there is so much more than the creation of the new 'Jangle BMX' genre. The second definitive aesthetic of the album see tracks such as the albums stand out Hug Street (see below), Out of Her Mind and In Your Hands, provide the endearing combination of Television Personalities meets the mid 90's style Hamell on Trial, as they move through various tempo changes. Such tracks just add that extra bit of apposite allure to the album. An almost laddish indie-pop vibe, if ever one was possible.

Hug Street

I have had this album for three years now and somehow it still keeps finding its way into my aural company no matter how many months apart. It is one of those album that you put on because you suddenly, out of absolutely nowhere, start to hum one of its tracks.

...and when you do it is always superb value !

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